當前位置:汽車配件110網(wǎng) >> 供\求\合作、代理、招聘信息中心 >> 招聘 >>銷售經(jīng)理 |
詳細內(nèi)容:崗位要求/ Job requirements 一、熟悉機械加工行業(yè),具有5年以上銷售經(jīng)驗,溝通能力強; Familiar with machinery manufacture field and have more than 5 years sales experience with good skill of communication. 二、能看懂加工件的圖紙,能使用CAD畫圖優(yōu)先考慮; Be able to understand drawings of machined part and give priority to have skill of CAD drawing. 三、能夠承擔工作壓力,工作積極主動敬業(yè),良好的團隊協(xié)作精神、有較強的市場開拓及人際溝通能力。 Be able to work under pressure, work with positivity/ initiative / profession, good team work, and have ability to exploit the market and good skill of communication.
湘公網(wǎng)安備 43120202000083號